How to Clean a Terrazzo Shower Floor?

Terrazzo is a beautiful and durable material often used for flooring and shower walls.

However, it requires proper maintenance and cleaning to keep its shine and beauty intact.

Shower floors made of terrazzo are particularly prone to buildup and stains due to constant exposure to water and soap.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to effectively clean a terrazzo shower floor so that you can enjoy its beauty for years.

Why Terrazzo Showers Need Special Attention

Terrazzo is a composite material made of chips of marble, granite, or glass embedded in cement or resin.

While it’s durable and resistant to scratches, it’s also porous and can absorb moisture, stains, and mold if not properly sealed and maintained.

A terrazzo shower floor is exposed to water, soap, and mineral deposits, which can cause buildup and discoloration over time.

Cleaning a terrazzo shower requires a gentle approach that won’t damage the surface or strip away the sealer.

Harsh chemicals or abrasive tools can scratch or etch the terrazzo and damage its shine.

Therefore, using the right products and techniques to clean your terrazzo shower floor without compromising its integrity is essential.

Materials Needed

Before we start, let’s gather the materials needed for cleaning. You’ll need the following:

  • Soft-bristled brush or sponge
  • Non-abrasive cleaner
  • White vinegar or lemon juice
  • Mild detergent or dish soap
  • Water
  • Bucket or spray bottle
  • Microfiber towel or mop

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning a Terrazzo Shower Floor

Now that we have all the materials ready let’s follow these steps to clean your terrazzo shower floor effectively.

Step 1. Sweep the floor to remove any debris

Sweeping the floor is essential to remove debris accumulated on the Terrazzo flooring.

It is important to use a soft broom and be careful when sweeping the floor, as any sharp objects on the floor could damage the Terrazzo.

Step 2. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the surface

Vacuuming the floor is important to remove any dust or debris trapped in the porous surface.

Make sure to use a vacuum cleaner with an appropriate attachment to avoid any damage to the floor.

Step 3. Use a cleaning agent to clean the surface.

Using a cleaning agent to clean the surface is important to remove any stains or dirt.

Make sure to use a cleaner that is specifically designed for Terrazzo floors.

Step 4. Use a mop to clean the floor.

Using a mop is important to spread the cleaning agent over the entire surface evenly.

It is important to rinse the mop frequently to ensure that all of the dirt is removed.

Step 5. Rinse the floor with clean water.

Rinsing the floor with clean water is important to remove any remaining dirt.

And to ensure that the cleaning agent is completely removed.

Step 6. Dry the floor with a cloth.

Drying the floor with a clean cloth ensures the Terrazzo is not damaged.

Ensure to use a soft cloth to avoid any damage to the surface.

Step 7. Use a sealant specifically designed for terrazzo floors

After thoroughly cleaning the Terrazzo flooring, apply a penetrating sealer.

You can purchase these sealers from paint or tile stores and must indicate approval for use with Terrazzo products.

Remember that sealers are not permanent and must reapply after a thorough cleaning every year.

Or as recommended by the manufacturer.

Applying a sealant to the floor is essential to protect it from further damage.

Sealants are available in various forms and needs selected based on your Terrazzo type.

Step 8. Let the sealant dry

It is important to allow the sealant to dry completely before proceeding.

This needs to perform in a well-ventilated area and may take up to 24 hours. It is best to avoid touching the sealant during this time.

Step 9. Apply a coat of wax

Once the sealant is completely dry, the next step is to apply a coat of wax. You can use a wax specially developed for surface treatment.

The number of coats of wax needed and the drying time between each coat will depend on the wax used.

Applying several thin coats and allowing each to dry may be necessary before applying the next one.

Apply wax in a gentle and circular motion, and let it dry before buffing.

Penetrated stains

Oil, putty, and other stubborn stains can be removed by scouring the affected area with a suitable cleanser.

And then soaking the floor overnight with a commercial bleach, such as Linco, if needed.

Terrazzo Floor Cleaner Products

There are a variety of Terrazzo floor cleaner products available on the market. These include both commercial and natural cleaners.

Commercial cleaners are usually more effective and provide a deeper clean than natural cleaners.

Suppose you want a more environmentally friendly and natural way to clean your Terrazzo floors.

Consider using natural cleaners instead of harsher, chemical-based alternatives.

These natural cleaners may be a better choice for those looking to adopt a more natural approach to cleaning.

Pros and Cons of Terrazzo Shower Flooring


  1. Durable: Terrazzo shower flooring is incredibly durable and can last many years with the proper care. It is resistant to scratching, staining, and fading.
  2. Non-slip: Terrazzo is a non-slip material, making it ideal for a shower floor.
  3. Customizable: Terrazzo can be customized with various colors and designs to match the home’s décor.
  4. Low Maintenance: Terrazzo is easy to clean and does not require much maintenance.


  1. Expensive: Terrazzo can be expensive to install due to the labor costs associated with the installation.
  2. Heavy: Terrazzo is a heavy material. So it may require additional support in the shower area to ensure security.
  3. Difficult to Repair: It can be difficult to repair if the terrazzo is damaged as the material is hand-crafted and requires a skilled artisan.
  4. Requires Sealing: Terrazzo requires regular sealing to protect it from moisture.

Tips for Maintaining a Terrazzo Shower Floor

Cleaning a terrazzo shower floor is essential for keeping it clean and free of stains and buildup.

However, it’s also important to maintain it regularly to prevent future problems.

Here are some tips for maintaining a terrazzo shower floor:

  • Clean the surface regularly using a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft-bristled brush or sponge.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive tools that can damage the surface.
  • Seal the surface regularly to prevent moisture, stains, and mold from seeping in.
  • Use a squeegee to remove water from the surface after each use to prevent water stains and buildup.
  • Avoid using acidic or abrasive cleaners that can damage the terrazzo.

Key Takeaways

Cleaning a terrazzo shower floor requires a gentle approach that won’t damage the surface or strip away the sealer.

Here are the key takeaways from this article:

  • Use a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft-bristled brush or sponge to clean a terrazzo shower floor.
  • Rinse the surface thoroughly with water after cleaning to remove any residue or cleaner.
  • Use vinegar or lemon juice to remove stubborn stains or buildup, but dilute them with water, and don’t leave them on the surface for too long.
  • Dry the surface thoroughly after cleaning to prevent mold or mildew growth.
  • Maintain the surface regularly by sealing it and using a squeegee to remove water after each use.

With these tips, you can effectively clean and maintain your terrazzo shower floor and enjoy its beauty and durability for years.


Cleaning Terrazzo floors is an important part of maintaining their beauty and durability.

There are a variety of Terrazzo floor cleaner products available on the market. And it is important to use the appropriate ones for your particular type of Terrazzo flooring.

To maintain the best possible appearance of your Terrazzo floors. It is important to regularly spot-clean, vacuum, and clean the tiles with mild detergent and warm water.

These simple steps can help to remove dirt, debris, and stains and keep your Terrazzo floors looking their best.

Finally, apply sealant or wax to protect the floors from dirt and spills.


Is Terrazzo Waterproof?

Terrazzo is not waterproof; however, it is resistant to water and can withstand heavy foot traffic. To protect your Terrazzo floor from water damage, you should apply a sealant or wax after you have finished cleaning the floor.

Is Terrazzo Slippery When Wet?

Terrazzo can become slippery when wet due to water on its surface. You should use a non-slip cleaner or a sealant on the floor to reduce the risk of slipping. 

How to make old terrazzo floors look new?

To restore the shine of old terrazzo floors, start by thoroughly cleaning the surface, filling any cracks or holes, and then polishing and sealing the floor.

How to clean heavily stained terrazzo floors?

Use warm water, mild detergent, or a specialized terrazzo cleaner for heavily stained floors. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers.

Can hydrogen peroxide be used on terrazzo floors?

Hydrogen peroxide can be used on terrazzo floors to remove stains, but it should be diluted with water and tested in a small, inconspicuous area first to avoid discoloration.