How to Remove Calcium Buildup in Shower Drain?

Calcium buildup, or limescale, is a common issue in shower drains.

It is caused by hard water, which contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium.

These minerals can accumulate over time, leading to clogged drains, poor water flow, and even pipe damage.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes of calcium buildup in shower drains, how to remove it, and how to prevent it from occurring again.

Causes of Calcium Buildup in Shower Drains

Have you noticed that your shower drain has been clogged frequently lately? Well, there are a few things that could be causing that.

One is hard water, which has high levels of minerals. This can be an issue if you live in an area with naturally hard water or your water treatment plant isn’t doing its job properly.

The minerals in hard water can accumulate over time, forming a scale that can clog your drain.

Another possible cause is poor maintenance. If you don’t clean your shower regularly or use harsh chemicals, you might be more likely to see calcium buildup.

And if you’re using bath products that shed bits and pieces, like a loofah or a sponge, those can also contribute to the problem.

Lastly, the age of your plumbing system might be a factor. Older pipes may be more prone to limescale due to wear and tear.

So, if you want to keep your shower drain running smoothly, you might want to consider addressing some of these issues.

How Often to Clean Up Limescale in Shower?

The frequency of cleaning up limescale in your shower depends on a few things.

If you have a bad case of calcium buildup, you might need to clean it more often.

But as a general rule, it’s a good idea to clean your shower drain once a month to keep the limescale under control.

If you have super hard water or live in an area with lots of minerals, you might want to clean your shower drain more often – like every two weeks or even once a week.

It depends on your situation and how much limescale you’re dealing with.

How to Get Rid of Calcium Buildup in Shower Drains?

Have you noticed that your shower drain has been clogging up lately? Yeah, it could be because of calcium buildup.

No worries, though; it’s an easy fix. Here’s what you need to do:

  • First, turn off the water supply to the shower and use a plunger to try and remove any standing water in the drain. If that doesn’t work, you may need to remove the drain cover and scoop out the water.
  • Next, pour a cup of white vinegar down the drain, followed by a cup of baking soda.
  • The vinegar and baking soda will create a foaming action that can help to loosen and dissolve the calcium deposits.
  • Cover the drain with a damp cloth for about 5 minutes to help keep the mixture in place.
  • After 5 minutes, remove the cloth and turn the water supply back on.
  • Rinse the drain with hot water to remove calcium deposits and debris.
  • Finally, clean up around the drain, including any leftover vinegar or baking soda mixture. You may want to use a small brush to scrub the edges of the drain to remove any remaining calcium deposits.

This process may need to be repeated a few times to remove the calcium buildup from your shower drain fully.

How to Remove Calcium Buildup in Pipes?

If you have a calcium buildup in your pipes, there are several steps you can take to remove it.

Here are some steps you can follow to remove calcium buildup in pipes:

Identify the Location of The Calcium Buildup

The first step in removing calcium buildup from pipes is to determine its location.

This may require investigation, such as looking for signs of reduced water flow or checking for visible calcium deposits outside the pipes.

Try Using a Commercial Pipe-Cleaning Solution

Commercial pipe cleaning solutions can help dissolve and remove calcium deposits from pipes.

Follow the instructions on the product packaging to apply the solution to the affected pipes.

Use a Pipe-Cleaning Tool

Another option is to use a pipe cleaning tool, such as a plumber’s snake or hydro jet, to physically remove the calcium deposits from the pipes.

These tools can be inserted into the pipes to break up and flush out the deposits.

Try a Homemade Cleaning Solution

If you prefer a more natural approach, try using a homemade cleaning solution to remove the calcium deposits.

One option is mixing vinegar and baking soda in equal parts and pouring them into the affected pipes.

Let the mixture sit for a few hours or overnight, then flush the pipes with hot water.

Replace The Affected Pipes

In some cases, the calcium buildup may be so severe that the best solution is to replace the affected pipes.

This can be a more expensive option, but it may be necessary if the pipes are severely clogged or damaged.

If you are unsure how to proceed, it is best to seek the help of a professional plumber.

Alternative Methods for Removing Calcium Buildup

There are several alternative methods for removing calcium buildup from your shower drain. Here are some of them you can try.

Use a Plumbing Snake or Auger

If the above methods don’t work for removing calcium buildup in your shower drain or pipes, you can try several alternative methods.

One option is to use a plumbing snake or auger to break up the limescale and clear the drain.

This method can be effective, but it may be not easy to do independently and require specialized tools.

Use a Pressure Washer or Hydro Jetting

Another option is to use a pressure washer or hydro jetting to remove calcium buildup.

These methods use high-pressure water to blast away the limescale and other debris.

But, these methods can be expensive and damaging to the pipes if not used correctly.

It is best to hire a professional to perform these methods.

Use a Descaling Solution Specifically Designed for Calcium Buildup

A third alternative is to use a descaling solution specifically designed for calcium buildup.

These products are designed to dissolve limescale and other minerals, making them easier to remove.

They may be more effective than other methods, but following the instructions carefully and using caution when handling these products is important.

Best Drain Cleaners to Use

There are several options for removing calcium buildup from your shower drain.

Use a Chemical Drain Cleaner

One option is to use a chemical drain cleaner. These products contain powerful chemicals that can help to break down limescale and other debris.

However, using these products cautiously is important, as they can be dangerous if handled improperly.

Homemade Solution

Use a homemade solution to clean your shower drain. As mentioned above, mixing equal parts vinegar and baking soda is popular.

This solution is safe to use and can effectively remove calcium buildup.

Hire a Professional

If you have a particularly stubborn case of calcium buildup, you can hire a professional to clean your shower drain.

This may be the best choice if you don’t feel comfortable using a chemical drain cleaner.

Professional plumbers have the tools and expertise to safely and effectively remove limescale from your shower drain.

Preventing Mineral Buildup in Drain Pipes

You can take several steps to prevent calcium buildup in your shower drain or pipe.

Use Soft Water

One of the most effective ways is to use soft water. Soft water has low levels of minerals, making it less likely to cause calcium buildup.

If you live in an area with hard water, you may consider installing a water softener or a hard water filter for your shower.

These devices can help to remove minerals from the water, which can help prevent calcium buildup.

Clean the Shower Frequently

Another way to prevent calcium buildup in your shower drain is to clean the shower frequently.

This will help remove any soap scum or debris contributing to the problem.

You can use a mild cleaner, vinegar, and baking soda to clean the shower.

Do not Pour Acidic or Caustic Substances Down the Drain

You can prevent calcium buildup in your shower drain by avoiding pouring acidic or caustic substances.

These substances can react with the minerals in the water, causing even more limescale or calcium deposits to form.

Additionally, you can try using a drain cover or hair catcher to help prevent debris from entering the drain and contributing to blockages.

Following these simple steps, you can help keep your shower drain or pipe free of calcium buildup and ensure water flows smoothly.

Effects of Calcium Buildup In the Shower

Calcium buildup in your shower drain can have several negative effects. One of the most obvious is clogged drains.

When limescale builds up, it can block the drain, making it difficult for water to flow through.

This can result in standing water in the shower and slow drainage.

Another effect of calcium buildup in your shower drain is poor water flow. The water may not flow freely when the drain is clogged with limescale.

This can lead to low water pressure and a less enjoyable shower experience.

Calcium buildup in your shower drain can cause damage to the pipes.

Over time, the limescale can build up and create a hard, crusty layer that can damage the pipes.

This can lead to leaks and other plumbing issues, which can be costly.

Safety Precautions When Removing Calcium Buildup

When removing calcium buildup from your shower drain, taking certain precautions to protect yourself and your home is important.

One of the most important things to do is to wear gloves and goggles.

This will help to protect your skin and eyes from any chemicals or debris that may be present.

It is also important to ventilate the area when removing calcium buildup. This will help to dissipate any fumes or odors that may be present.

Be sure to follow the instructions on any chemical cleaners carefully. This will help ensure that you use the product safely and effectively.

How to Identify Calcium Buildup in Your Shower Drain?

There are several signs of a calcium buildup in your shower drain. One of the most obvious signs is a clogged drain.

If you notice the water taking longer to drain or backing up in the shower, this could be a sign of a clogged drain.

Another sign of calcium buildup is visible calcium deposits on the drain cover or inside the pipe.

This is likely limescale if you notice a white, chalky substance on the drain cover or inside the pipe.

The Role of Water pH in Calcium Buildup

The pH of water refers to its acidity or basicity. Water that has a neutral pH of 7 is neither acidic nor basic.

However, water can have a pH lower than 7 (acidic) or above 7 (basic). The pH of water can have an effect on calcium buildup in your shower drain.

One factor that determines the pH of water is its hardness.

Hard water, which has high levels of minerals, tends to have a higher pH, while soft water, which has low levels of minerals, tends to have a lower pH.

In general, the higher the pH of the water, the more likely it is to cause calcium buildup.

Maintaining a neutral pH in your shower water can help to prevent calcium buildup.

This can be achieved by using a water softener or filter to remove minerals from the water or by using a descaling solution specifically designed for calcium buildup.

Other Factors That Can Contribute to Calcium Buildup in Shower Drains

In addition to hard water and poor maintenance, several other factors can contribute to calcium buildup in your shower drain.

One factor is a hair and soap scum build-up. When hair and soap scum accumulate in the drain, they can create a breeding ground for limescale.

Debris from bath products, such as bits of loofah or sponge, can also contribute to calcium buildup.

These bits of debris can get stuck in the drain and create a blockage that can lead to limescale formation.

Finally, the age of your plumbing system can also play a role in calcium buildup.

Older pipes may be more prone to limescale due to wear and tear.

DIY vs. Professional Calcium Buildup Removal

You can do it yourself or hire a professional when removing calcium buildup. There are pros and cons to both options.

One advantage of doing it yourself is that it can be more cost-effective.

You won’t have to pay for labor; you can use inexpensive homemade solutions or store-bought products.

However, doing it yourself can be more time-consuming and less effective than professional cleaning.

On the other hand, hiring a professional to remove calcium buildup can be more expensive, but it may be worth it for its convenience and effectiveness.

Professional plumbers have the tools and expertise to safely and effectively remove limescale from your pipes and plumbing systems.

They can use specialized equipment and chemical cleaning solutions to dissolve the limescale and flush it out of the pipes.

Hiring a professional plumber can be the most effective and efficient way to remove limescale from your pipes and prevent further build-up.

They can often get the job done more quickly than a DIY solution.

When deciding between DIY and professional calcium buildup removal, consider your budget, the severity of the problem, and your level of comfort using chemicals or specialized tools.

Hiring a professional may be worth it if you have a severe case of calcium buildup or are uncomfortable using chemicals.

Maintenance Tips for Keeping Calcium Buildup at Bay

Following basic maintenance tips is important to keep calcium buildup from returning to your shower drain.

One of the most effective ways to prevent calcium buildup is to clean your shower drain regularly.

This will help remove any soap scum or debris contributing to the problem.

You can use a mild cleaner, vinegar, and baking soda to clean the shower.

Another tip is to use a water softener or filter. These devices can help to remove minerals from the water, which can help prevent calcium buildup.

If you live in an area with hard water, you may want to consider installing a water softener or filter for your shower.

You can prevent calcium buildup in your shower drain by avoiding pouring acidic or caustic substances.

These substances can react with the minerals in the water, creating even more limescale.

The Dangers of Ignoring Calcium Buildup in Shower Drains

Ignoring calcium buildup in your shower drain can have serious consequences.

One danger is the potential for mold and bacteria growth. When water cannot flow freely through the drain, it can create a moist environment perfect for mold and bacteria growth.

This can be a health hazard, as mold and bacteria can cause respiratory problems and other health issues.

Another danger of ignoring calcium buildup is damage to the plumbing system.

Over time, the limescale can build up and create a hard, crusty layer that can damage the pipes.

Common Misconceptions About Calcium Buildup

There are several misconceptions about calcium buildup that may cause homeowners to overlook the problem or approach it in the wrong way.

One myth is that only older homes have calcium buildup problems. Calcium buildup can occur in any home, regardless of its age.

Another myth is that calcium buildup can’t be prevented. While it is true that calcium buildup is more likely to occur in areas with hard water, there are steps you can take to prevent it from happening.

Using a water softener or filter, cleaning the shower regularly, and avoiding pouring acidic or caustic substances down the drain can all help to prevent calcium buildup.

Some people believe that calcium buildup is only a cosmetic issue.

While it is true that limescale can be unsightly, it can also have serious consequences, such as clogged drains, poor water flow, and damage to the plumbing system.

Case Studies or Personal Experiences with Calcium Buildup

Many homeowners have successfully removed calcium buildup from their showers and pipes.

One example is a homeowner who used a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to clean their shower drain.

After letting the mixture sit for a few hours, they used a plunger to remove the limescale and then rinsed the drain with hot water.

This simple and inexpensive solution was effective at removing the calcium buildup.

Another example is a homeowner who hired a professional plumber to remove calcium buildup from their pipes.

The plumber used a hydro jetting machine to blast away the limescale, leaving the pipes clean and free-flowing.

There are also cases where homeowners have tried to remove calcium buildup on their own but have had less success.

For example, one homeowner used a store-bought chemical cleaner to remove calcium buildup from their shower drain.

While the product broke down some of the limescale, it was ineffective at removing all of it.

The homeowner ended up hiring a professional plumber to finish the job.

Additional Resources for Dealing with Calcium Buildup

If you are having trouble removing calcium buildup from your shower drain or pipes, there are several resources you can turn to for help.

One option is to visit online forums or websites that provide plumbing advice.

These forums often have experienced plumbers and homeowners who can offer tips and suggestions for removing limescale.

Another option is to contact a local plumbing professional or organization for help.

These professionals have the tools and expertise to safely and effectively remove calcium buildup from your shower and pipes.

They can also provide recommendations for preventing calcium buildup in the future.

Finally, many products on the market are specifically designed to remove or prevent calcium buildup.

These products can be effective, but choosing a reputable brand and following the instructions carefully is important.


Due to hard water, calcium buildup, or limescale, is a common problem in shower drains and pipes.

It is important to address this issue as soon as it is noticed, as ignoring it can lead to serious problems.

Various methods can remove calcium buildup, including commercial drain cleaners and natural substances like vinegar and baking soda.

Following safety precautions and maintaining plumbing systems to prevent future buildup is important.

Seeking the assistance of a professional or consulting additional resources may also help address calcium buildup.